Wednesday, November 10, 2010

"Originality does not mean thinking something that was never thought before; it means putting old ideas together in new ways."

Originality can be described in many ways. Something which is novel or distinctive could be original. On the other hand the ability to derive new ideas from the existing ones or modifying them also be labeled as originality. Original could means something which stands out from the rest and has its own unique identity. It does not matter whether the idea stem from the existing ideas or novel . Thus originality might mean thinking something new,bringing new ideas from the old thoughts or even looking at the existing from a different perspective.

In the history of art , be it the masterpiece of sculpture "The Pieta" by Michelangelo or be it the painting of "The last supper " be Leonardo DA Vinci ,both are the indelible examples of originality of art work. Although both of them were based on the same concept of Jesus in Christianity. Thus originality need not be something that has been never thought before.During Renaissance, many artists had come up with the variety of art work based on the same concept of Christianity ,be it the paintings or sculptures.Thus, originality could be define as looking at the same concept at different perspective.

The thought of establishing a constitution by USA after American Revolution was definitely a innovative idea. To govern a country by the laws in a manuscript was really something breakthrough with traditions. Afterwards,the concept of adding amendments to it ,which helps in correcting,altering ,adding or omitting (for the betterment )the laws as per the circumstances was also original even though it was the extension of the previously existing novel thought.

Furthermore,originality could also be a idea which already existed from the beginning of the world but no one thought of it. The idea behind the Theory of gravity was already existed but no one noticed it. Newton was the first scientist to set forth the concept of gravity and explained it. Newton's calculation changed the way people understood the universe ,and which was labeled as original and distinct.

In my word originality might mean thinking different from the crowd that is conducive in some aspect of life,nation or universe. All the inventions either based on existing or novel idea has been proved auspicious for humanity if we use them for betterment of life.

At the end, originality has an identity of its own. Whatever is original should be distinguishable from the crowd. It does not matter how that identity was created, whether it was a completely new idea or just reshuffling of old ones is quite irrelevant. As long as it is "new", an idea is original. The formulation of something new by putting existing ideas in novel fashion can also be claimed as original.

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