Wednesday, November 10, 2010

"Laws should not be rigid or fixed. Instead, they should be flexible enough to take account of various circumstances, times, and places."

Laws play in important role in growth of society,nation and country. They are pillar of the healthy and prosperous economy. For controlling the crime rate,protecting rights of citizens and make them to realise their responsibility laws are very necessary. Various types of laws are formulated to keep moving the economical,governmental and political aspects of nations smoothly. Laws are formed for the people living in the country, its therefore their responsibility to accept and obey them. One can not control the recklessness,crimes,havocs and many more unfavorable activities,which promotes great disturbance without the help of laws.

As the Laws are made according to the human needs and circumstances of that particular period. Moreover, human needs and circumstances keep on changing over the period of time, therefore the laws should be flexible enough to mold them according to the needs of society. If laws would be rigid and fixed ,the government will be more like dictatorship. For making the country democratic ,laws should be formed accorrding to human needs and changed correspondingly. Although, laws are made for people residing in country and alter according to the time ,circumstances and place, they should not be so flexible that they can be changed every now and then. Before changing the laws a thorough and insightful thinking is must ,then by taking into consideration the circumstances,human needs and reasons behind the change implementation should be done. Furthermore, over the passage of time one can realise the effectiveness of the law which was implemented in past and can draw out the drawbacks of that particular law and then amendments can be performed to the existing law.

Laws should always be keep on changing to fit in the current situations in any nation,if the change is drastic. They are the only controlling force for rebellious activities of humankind. The Human being has forgot the responsibilities towards nation,society and country, which comes along with human rights. So to make the mass realise their responsibilities laws are enforced and being constitute since the origin of the humanity. For instance, Traffic laws are created to keep the traffic flow smooth and avoid accidents. And on breaking the laws large fines are imposed so that because of the fear of paying large amount of money on minute mistakes ,people may follow the rules and obey the laws. But this all is done to our safety ,so we should take the responsibility. Since this is not done, so they are enforced. Even though the government has the right to form the laws for people, they should always keep in mind public needs and convenience. Any nation will flourish only if the people residing in are happy with the government rules and regulation and respect them.This is the one of the major factor on which country's progress depends.

Furthermore , if the laws are not in the favor of the mass or they become hard to follow, people tend to break them and if this keep on happening continuously ,anarchy would not be far. The nation can reach to extreme disorder situation and this could affect each and every aspect of life as well as nation. So laws should be made for the betterment of the country not just to keep control on some adverse or unfortunate situations. For some nations we can still see the monarchy where laws are rigid and fixed, which may promote the growth of the country but is it conducive in an individual growth? are the people of that countries are happy? Do they have freedom to think and act independently. The people who are living in a country, where laws are flexible enough to take into account the human needs,their independence and circumstance can provide the answer. Although not every country is perfect or not every person in that country would be happy, thinking about nation's people and their prosperity is more than anything else.

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